Sunday, January 25, 2004

I know I'm biased, but Becca's cover story in the N&R has been one of my favorite reads in this weekly thus far. Great job Becca.
So, we're all trying to get to SF as much as possible to promote our new shows. I've sent Michael Vav some posters and flyers via Horse Cow express. Amber and I are supposed to head to the city by the bay today.
We're looking to book time to record our first CD and while we're at it, we're laying down the audio for our first animation. Kendall Smith, a Spike and Mike regular, will be doing the animation.
We're working hard to get our video demo edited and we just booked a return trip to Sacramento where we'll be playing The Gallery Horse Cow again, February 20th and 21st.
Woowee, staying busy.
The News and Review decided we are still press worthy despit having recruited one of their writers into our troupe, and so Carey Roddah is putting together a story on us which should run right before the Sac shows.

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