Sunday, May 16, 2004

haven't posted in a while. It's 2:45am, I just got back from the fashion show at gallery horse cow. wow. how do thy build up SOOO much hype. lots of it was really cool but i think less skinny girls would have been nice. I worked the door and every other person was sure they were supposed to be in free.
i've been listening to TONS of Brian Eno. Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy, Here Come the Warm Jets and Before & After Science. Three amazing albums.
We went and saw Elaine May. It was really cool. She's just got a natural charisma and grace in storytelling that I love.
I saw Stella on comedy central and now I don't feel so bad about missing their show. I was most underwhelmed with what I saw.
okay good night. must go to bed/

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