Tuesday, March 23, 2004

We're supplying the commercial breaks fro a live presentation of The Twilight Zone this Friday and Saturday. We've chosen Unwanted William and a new skit that's a PSA for, well for nothing really. It's just a pointless little monologue about NOT having genital herpers set to the rythm of a PSA. That'll be on Friday. Then on Saturday it's Unborn Billy and Unwanted William.
We're gonna stay the night in the theatre where we're performing, or if we're too wierded out by the strange sex parties that happen there and the possible resulting carpet stains, we'll stay at a new theatre that's opening around the corner. Either way I'm really excited about getting out of town for the weekend. Usually we drive into SF (a 2 to 3 hour drive depending on traffic) and we drive back out. It'll be so great to wake up in one of my favorite cities, have a cup of Joe with my troupe mates, go do some record shopping, eat some falafal, have a good time. It'll be Miles, Becca and Myself. Maybe we can find a way to get arrested! Woo Hoo!

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